Exsion Reporting SQL

Create reports using any SQL database

Exsion SQL enables you to create reports and lists, regardless of the structure of your Microsoft SQL database.

Features Exsion SQL

The possibility to transfer all data in your database to Excel, is one of the functionalities we are proud of. The strength of Exsion Reporting is that you can get started yourself, with easily identifiable descriptions of data.

Simple Reporting in Excel

Exsion Reporting allows any controller to create reports

Recognizable User Data

Users can easily recognize table and data names.

Combine All of Your Data

We are proud that you can transfer all data in your database to Excel.

Refresh Reports Infinitely

You can refresh your reports time and again, thus ensuring they will contain the latest data.

Fast Data Refresh

We have built Exsion Reporting in such a way, that you can effortlessly gain better insight into your company.

Create Reports After a Short Training

A one-day training will suffice for creating most reports. This also applies to advanced users.


Thanks to Exsion, we now have much more unambiguous data

At a certain point in time, we were very busy with reports for days on end, it was an unworkable situation. In 2008, we switched to Microsoft Dynamics NAV, combined with Exsion and other software, which saved us a lot of time. Thanks in part to Exsion, we now have much more unambiguous data at our disposal.

Janssen de Jong

Reports can easily be changed

Exsion is very simple and user-friendly – you can easily change reports. Exsion seamlessly integrates with NAV, you can retrieve all data present in the system. The retrieve function is very easy and it just works. Afterwards, you can get started with Excel formulas. Exsion really is very well-built.

Gebroeders Blokland

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Exsion SQL provides solutions to your problems

Below, you can read about issues that controllers encounter and solutions that Exsion SQL provides.

Your Problem

I Cannot Access Data data in My Microsoft SQL database

It could be, that your financial administration or custom application uses Microsoft SQL. What makes it difficult, is that you cannot create reports without using cut and paste, unless you learn a query language.

No Expensive Consultant

You can call a consultant, or get started with PowerBI. However, the first scenario is expensive and the second complicated.

Exsion's Solution

With Exsion, You Can Easily Transfer Selected Data to Excel

The strength of Exsion Reporting is, that you only need to know which data you want to combine in your report. Click these data in Exsion, and, without having to worry about anything, a query is submitted to the database. Data are transferred to Excel, thus allowing you to also edit them, if so desired.

Your Problem

I Cannot Select Any Data

When you want to thoroughly analyse your business or create a simple list, you prefer to combine all data in the way you like. SQL provides ample filtering functionality, however, combining data on different screens is tricky, which also applies to other tools available on the market.

Exsion's Solution

Downloads Allow You to Select Data

The strength of Exsion Reporting is, that it allows you to actually combine data you have selected. We call that creating a download. The benefit of a download is that it is not an export. An export must be regenerated every time and does not allow selection of data.

Downloads Can Be Used and Modified Endlessly

Once a download has been created, you can use it endlessly and modify it or place specific filters, if so desired.

Your Problem

I Have to Use Cut and Paste to Get Everything Right

Excel exports can be made within SQL, but then you will have to use cut and paste to get the data set you desire. You will have to do this every time, which is work that will not make you happy. You will have to do a lot of things, which is very time-consuming, as well as prone to errors. In addition, you will have to store each version separately and comparing data from a given time period is extremely complex.

Exsion's Solution

After Creating a Download, You Only Have to Click the Refresh Button

With Exsion Reporting, there is no need to use cut and paste. A download definition generates a report ready for use, including all future use. Clicking the Refresh button will update your report without having to use cut and paste, ensuring information that is up-to-date and does not contain any errors.

No More Separate Versions in Excel

Data are directly retrieved from the database, so you can use Excel for which it should be used: Calculation, and your database to store data. Your work will become complicated when you use Excel to manage datasets. Unfortunately, many users still do so.

Your Problem

I Need to Hire Expensive Consultants to Change a Report

Standard and custom applications often provide standard reports, which are useful. Modifying them, however, is extremely difficult. First of all, if you want to change the dataset, you must know how the complex database of SQL is built. Second, you will have to become familiar with the functionality of the tool in question, if you, for example, want to change the visualisation of a report. If that is not your daily work, it often is not worth the effort.

Exsion's Solution

With Exsion, You Can Create Reports After a One-Day Training

Meanwhile, we have sold Exsion to nearly 1,000 clients, who all have attended a one-day training and can use Exsion.

What Should I Be Able to Do, in Order to Learn Exsion Reporting?

You must be proficient in Excel, although we will show you several smart tricks during the course.


Your Problem

Data Generation Takes a Very Long Time

Many of the tools available on the market are slow, due to the technology behind them. Data are often provided to users through connections and services.

Exsion's Solution

Exsion Provides Quick Answers

We have built Exsion to be fast in almost all cases. Almost, because every technology has its limitations. Our clients are satisfied with Exsion’s overall performance.

Which Techniques Are Used to Get Exsion Reporting Working Fast?

If we can access the database directly (usually in hosting and on-premise scenarios), database queries are submitted directly, instead of through a connection. Which is why Exsion is super-fast.

Your Problem

When Asking for Help, I Never Get an Answer, Or Too Late

Everyone is familiar with the nuisance of having to contact a helpdesk. You are put through, will have to wait and your problem is always unique, thus making it impossible to solve quickly.

Exsion's Solution

You Can Call Our Helpdesk and Get an Answer Immediately

When you have a subscription, you can call our helpdesk to get an answer. Almost 90% of all issues reported we can solve directly.

Your Problem

Software Installation Is Complex, Time-Consuming and Error-Prone

Some packages require a very time-consuming process to get them running on a server or tenant, due to the fact that they consist of many components that work together.

Exsion's Solution

A half-day to install Exsion

Installation of Exsion is a standard procedure, and will not take more than a morning or afternoon. We will come by for this or install it remotely.

Features and benefits of

Take a look at the features and benefits of Exsion SQL

Easily Create Reports in Excel

This product was developed to accommodate clients already working with Exsion Reporting for Dynamics NAV/BC, who also wanted to process data within the same Excel work folder, but who use a different database, based on Microsoft SQL.

Exsion Reporting allows any application administrator to create his/her reports based on the output generated by applications that use a Microsoft SQL database to store their data.

Combining All Data You Have Stored in the Microsoft SQL Database

After installing and configuring Exsion SQL, you can select and download all data.

How to Select Desired Data?

We have created a Wizard for this purpose, a screen that shows the BC/NAV tables on the left. When you click on a table, the data stored within it are shown, which you can subsequentially click to add them to the collection of data you want to incorporate in your report. It is that simple, which you will learn in just one day.

Once Made, Reports Can Be Refreshed Time and Again

Have you ever slogged away at a database export, using cutting or a sort function to select a subset? The next time you want the report, you will have to do the above again, since you want a report containing the latest data. With Exsion Reporting, this tedious work belongs to the past. Once you have created your data selection (what we call a download definition), you can refresh it time and again, thus ensuring your report will contain the latest data.

Refresh Your Data with a Single Button Click

We have built Exsion Reporting in such a way, that you can effortlessly gain better insight into your company. To make the right decisions, you need accurate reports that can be retrieved at any given moment. The Refresh button takes care of this. Once you have created a download definition, you only have to click Refresh to view the latest data.

Exsion Reporting Is Fast

It goes without saying, that once you click the Refresh button, you do not want to wait a long time. We do everything in our power to ensure that Exsion works fast. Of course, every technology has its limitations, but our clients are very satisfied with Exsion’s overall performance. Ergo, you will not be confronted with annoyances and have quick access to your data.

Create Reports After a One-Day Training Course

People often think that creating reports is very difficult. The basis, however, is quite simple, but you can make things as complicated as you like, due to also having all Excel functionality at your disposal. You can use slicers to add a time dimension to your report, create pivot tables to generate beautiful overviews and much more, but let’s drop that for now. Exsion’s basic functionality is fairly straightforward, a one-day training will suffice for creating most reports.

Would you like to expand your Exsion skills? We provide a training for advanced users, very useful if you want to create complex reports or optimise them.

Work with Recognisable Data

Table names and names of data used in the database are often not recognised by users, because they deviate from how users perceive data on-screen.

Exsion Reporting for SQL allows you to translate ‘technical’ names of tables and data to names that users can recognise, which will make creating reports a lot easier.

Want to know more about Exsion SQL?

Are you interested in Exsion SQL? We will happily demonstrate it to you. In our free, no-obligation Exsion SQL demo, the Exsion team will introduce the operation behind the blazingly fast combination of all administrational disciplines.

Exsion SQL Demo

You will see example reports, just like the ones you and your staff use, and will discover how Exsion can provide so much flexibility in reporting at such low costs.

Does Exsion SQL work for us?

Would you like to consult one of our experts whether Exsion SQL matches your specific situation or needs? We will happily contribute ideas and explore the possibilities.

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